Showcasing our expertise, we take pride in the diverse range of books we've helped bring to life.
Explore our portfolio to witness how our book writing services connect readers worldwide.
Get the overall structure and content of your manuscript edited by us.
Get your grammar, punctuation, spelling, and syntax errors checked.
Get your manuscript checked free from any minor mistakes and errors.
Get your layout, font choices, margins, and overall book designed.
At Nexa Publishing, we understand that new and acclaimed authors' needs are very different. Thus, we also have a host of custom editing services for writers available to help ensure your manuscript gets the attention it needs. For new authors, we offer complete and affordable editing packages that include all of the services: developmental, line, and proofreading.
Our editors specialize in a wide variety of genres and offer sample edits to make sure the chemistry is right, maintaining your unique voice. We believe that building strong relationships with our authors means supportive communication during the editing process.
Our editors have worked on bestsellers and award-winning titles; hence, we are able to provide insightful tips on the development of your characters, pacing, and the structure of your narrative.
Our comprehensive book writing services provide expert assistance, from initial planning and writing to professional editing, publishing, impactful marketing, and ongoing post-publishing support.
Want to know what our clients think about our book editing service? Read some reviews.
Read our blog for an inside look at the world of book editing. Our team of experts shares valuable insights, tips, and industry knowledge to guide you through every step of the journey.
Book Editors
Manuscript Proofreading
Avg. Book Sales
Customer Satisfaction